When I think about the dreams and hopes I have for my children, my heart floods with emotion. Loving, selfless, well-rounded, smart, humble, joyful, and full of confidence to pursue whatever future God puts on their hearts. All these things and more come to mind.

But those thoughts are usually followed by a HUGE list of all the things I feel the pressure to get right as a mom if I truly want them to have the best life possible.

It can be kind of intimidating when you think about all the responsibilities we’ve been entrusted with as moms. I often find that there just aren’t enough hours in a day to get all of them done. Some things usually end up being put on the back burner, but then later I beat myself up for not making it a priority. 

One thing that constantly gets pushed to the back in our house is meal planning. In my heart, I know that if I REALLY want my kids to have the best future possible, I need to remember that their physical bodies are the foundation for EVERYTHING. When we have our health, we have everything. The food that goes into their little bodies is so important, yet more often than not I find myself being okay with offering them less than stellar nutrition. I blame it on them being picky eaters, but if I’m honest with myself I know I could try a little harder at it.

Oftentimes the hardest part for me is implementation. Life gets busy, and yet again I end up grabbing for mac and cheese or hot dogs.

As we’ve talked to several other families, Jake and I learned that we’re not alone in this! Families across the country and world struggle!

As we get ready to start another school year this fall, there couldn’t be a more perfect time to help families figure this out. After tons of behind the scenes work, we are so excited to announce that that we are starting a BRAND NEW branch of our business specifically focused on nutrition for busy families! We are looking for like-minded individuals to help us in this crusade to take back the family kitchen! We have hired Monica Hoss, an amazing Registered Dietician, to help us come up with the menus, but we need others who are passionate about implementation and leading themselves and other families to a healthy lifestyle! With the feedback we’re getting from our pilot group, we know this is going to be a HOME RUN!

Together, we WILL take back the kitchen! Together we WILL ignite healthy changes that give our children the BEST NUTRITION and chance for a healthy future!

And the best part? It WILL be a BUDGET FRIENDLY APPROACH!

Today, AUGUST 2nd, we will be doing a PRIVATE LAUNCH where we will explain the opportunity in detail before our NATIONAL LAUNCH the following day!

We’d love for you to join us and get in on the GROUND FLOOR of this! Please click the link below to join the private Facebook group!

Take Back The Kitchen Info Group

We already have over 1700 parents who are in the group – CLEARLY we all need to come together and help each other TAKE BACK THE KITCHEN!

See you tonight!



P.S. For more reflections on parenthood and life, follow us on Facebook (Hun Let’s Run) and on Instagram: @ambermariekuiper and @jakekuiper! We’d also love for you to subscribe to our Hun, Let’s Run Podcast! For more info about joining our fitness community as a customer or coach, please email us at amber@mommysmetime.com!

About Author

I'm a mom of four kids, raising them in Southwest Florida alongside my husband Jake! I love to share motherhood reflections, travel tips, and everything we're up to as a family!

1 Comment

  1. avatar
    Jessica Schwartz says:

    I did the take back the kitchen meals one week.
    I want more!! It was amazing!
    I was browsing the internet & found your site. Do you know how I sign up for more weeks of meal planning?

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