Fit Through The AgesLast October, I almost lost my dad to a heart attack. Almost. He had a 1% chance to live and he survived. A second chance to live life to the fullest. Last week, a spot on my foot was diagnosed with melanoma. Thankfully, they caught it early, and it hadn’t gotten into my bloodstream yet. I was able to have a small surgery to remove it. I’ll write more about that later after I’ve had more of a chance to process. At this point, I’m still in shock over the scare my body went through this past week. It all sort of feels like a dream. All I know is that God has given me a second chance too, and I’m not about to waste it.


Over the last year I’ve started to post more about health and fitness, and maybe some of you roll your eyes because it just isn’t what you want to hear, or you’re tired of yet one more person reminding you that you might need to make a change. I get it. I used to look at healthy people and think they didn’t know how to have any fun. I was the biggest sugar addict, and there was no way I was giving up my nightly bowl of ice cream. “Life’s too short not to enjoy good food,” I thought frequently!

It’s funny how God humbles us though, and sometimes calls us to do things we never thought we’d be able to do. I’m not perfect. Being healthy isn’t always easy. Heck, I’ve started over a million times. But I’ll tell you this: It’s WORTH starting over because every time I get a little bit stronger. It’s about progress, not perfection. That’s life, isn’t it? Let’s just do our best and show up and celebrate it! It’s worth putting my best foot forward to know that I’m doing all I can to be around for the long haul. So I can see my kids grow. So I can enjoy life’s most precious moments.

I’m still a work in progress. We all are. OBVIOUSLY I need to do a better job of protecting my skin, which sucks because I love getting a tan. But now I get it. I’ll force myself to do whatever I can to prevent anything taking me from my kids too soon.

My heart has never been more fired up to help anyone and everyone prioritize their health. This isn’t about making money. It’s about legitimately meeting people WHERE THEY’RE AT, and walking alongside them. It’s about looking each other in the face and acknowledging that it’s hard to lose weight, to make healthy choices, to work out. But that TOGETHER, we can do hard things.

Take my friend, Katherine, for example (pictured below). She is down 37 pounds since February 15th, because she was willing to work her hardest, AND because she had a supportive group of women around her. I can’t even tell you how proud I am of her.


On June 6th I’m leading a virtual boot camp called “Fit Through The Ages” to help more brave souls like Katherine and myself to feel confident and healthy. When God put the idea on my heart for this boot camp, I had no idea that I’d have foot surgery around the same time to remove melanoma. I simply wanted a boot camp that would welcome people of ALL AGES to get healthy. My PARENTS are even joining me, and I could cry just thinking about THAT!

But now, I’m even MORE excited. Because I’m 110% sure that this is my calling. I’m so excited that I’ve invited some of my coaches to help me lead this boot camp so we can help even more people.

I’m reaching a point where my spots are almost filled, but I have several coaches who I’ve hand picked to help. You will still be in the same boot camp with me, meaning that I’ll be posting daily encouragement in a private Facebook group, but THEY will walk alongside you and offer you one on one support to make sure you don’t get lost in the crowd. They’ll love you like crazy and hold you accountable to get the results you want.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let us help you be a success story. Let us encourage you and lift you up and tell you how amazing you are! You can email me at and I’ll send you more information.

What it looks like?

We’ll work together to help you find a workout program you can do from HOME. We’ll also set you up with an eating plan that will teach you how to eat healthier. We’ll then place you in a private Facebook group where we’ll shower you with encouragement and motivation to stay on track, where we can get to know you and your beautiful heart.

My team and I are praying for the people who we’ll have the privilege to help. Let’s make THIS the summer where we go all in TOGETHER!




P.S. For more reflections on parenthood and life, follow us on Facebook (Hun Let’s Run) and on Instagram: @ambermariekuiper and @jakekuiper! We’d also love for you to subscribe to our Hun, Let’s Run Podcast! For more info about joining our fitness community as a customer or coach, please email us at!

About Author

I'm a mom of four kids, raising them in Southwest Florida alongside my husband Jake! I love to share motherhood reflections, travel tips, and everything we're up to as a family!


  1. avatar
    LauraF says:

    Oh my gosh! Praying for you.

  2. avatar
    Beth LeTendre Oolman says:

    Does it cost to be a part of the boot camp?

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